How To Create Our Own Wordlist Using Crunch In Kali Linux

What is Wordlist ????
Wordlist is a text document in which we have or create the list of password that are used worldwide or the continuous set of all words or numbers, we use those wordlists to crack passwords using dictionary attacks

1.Dictionary attack
A dictionary attack uses a targeted technique of successively trying all the words in an exhaustive list called a dictionary (from a pre-arranged list of values).

2. Brute Force Attack
In contrast with a brute force attack, where a large proportion key space is searched systematically, a dictionary attack tries only those possibilities which are most likely to succeed, typically derived from a list of words for example a dictionary (hence the phrase dictionary attack).

3. Hybrid Attack
It works like a dictionary attack, but adds some numbers and symbols to the words from the dictionary and tries to crack the password.

4. Syllable Attack 
It is the combination of both brute force attack and the the dictionary attack.

5. Rule-Based AttackThis attack is used when the attacker gets some information about the password.
Now we are gonna use CRUNCH .

Crunch is a tool which has the ability to create wordlists to say simply

Now we will see how to create a wordlist

1.)    Open Terminal

2.)    This is what appears and
                            “crunch <min> <max> [option]”  this is the command

3.)    Here  I am selecting min=3 and max =6 and "Bhanu" is example
That means you can get min of 6 and max of 6 letters of probability of which we gave.

You can find that wordlist in the home folder

Here see how it will be , To Open it Right Click On the wordlist.txt file and then Open it using leafpad text editor or any text editor that you have

And this is another example for making wordlist, I made two so it would be easier for you to understand

This is it. Its very simple. Now you can use it to hack anything. You can make wordlists of any size and number of words. 
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